The War is ( not ) won

Dragon Age Music Video !!! *grins like a cock

I actually got to play through this entire snowfield in the game. Of course this is CGI so everything looks 10 times better. The red-head archer chick, Leliana, actually looks pretty awesome. and the mage chick is none other than Morrigan, who happens to turn into a friggin spider in the video. :D

I really really hate my homework when I know I could be playing a whole playthrough. and if 4 Geography papers, Chemistry and Physics homework weren't depressing enough, I still have to study for Higher Chinese Mastery test. ( Readers all giggle and make lame jokes about my chinese )

Anyway, I am going to study for my Higher Chinese Paper 1 diligently tonight. Ta-ta.

Alvin and the Chipmunks are back crap

Shit I'm super lethargic, stuck with a shitload of homework and I realized Jerome and Xiu Ming watched Avatar without me. Yeah without the King of the Na'vi : King Nic . *sings the chorus of Good Charlotte's Misery

I woke up really early this morning ( 12 pm-ish ) and went for this super awesome Nasi Lemak with my cousins. We went to the mall after that for bowling where I, as always, scored 20points 2 gazillion crap-billion points. Not much people can do that. ;)

Yes and after that we went for the horrendous movie also known as Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. Lol its SO horrible it doesn't even get a review complete with pictures. I got the feeling that they were a couple of annoying rats. Yeah someone should grab them and put them in a blender, switch it on and film it. At least it would be a movie I would watch.

*Little girl: " You're a monster"

It's SO bad I found the preview for New Moon more interesting than that. And THAT my friend, says something. :D

EDIT: However I did enjoy the role of Toby, the guardian who is also known as Chuck on the hit TV-series.

After that ordeal we went to my grandmother's place to celebrate her birthday. Which is the gist of this entire Malaysia trip. and it was a vegetarian meal. ( please excuse me while I relive the horror )

*returns from bathroom.

Not a single piece of meat in the entire room. and as you know, I'm like ... the anti-vegetable. Kinda like Hitler with a touch of chlorophyll. Its entirely possible I eat so little vegetables that plants all over the globe like worship me as a god. But I still got to watch this awesome chinese movie : 不能说的秘密. The Jay-Chou one. To summarize it in one word: WOW. I LOVED it. You know, time travel, touching plot and pianos. I felt like bursting into the chorus of the song throughout the course of the movie. Of course in the typical NCC cock way. ;)

"Ni shuo ba ai jian jian fang xia hui zou geng yuan ... "


Merry christmas little elves. I'm spending my christmas in Malaysia with my cousins, appreciating what little time I have before I return to the miserable reality that is schoolwork. Nonetheless enjoy yourselves this Christmas and we all know what happens to BAAD kids. :)


Last but not least.

Hi all. Heads up ... the previous post was made some time ago, so it may seem out of context. But who can let up such an anti-Twilight segment huh ? :)

So I'm in Malaysia now to spend Christmas and as we all know, the trip to Malacca is always considerably long. So I took the time to think about life. Well, I categorized it as 75% sleep, 25% deep-thought.
So... I look at what others write on their blogs. about their troubles with life or unexpressed feelings and I look back at mine "I like star wars and video games and Kristen Bell". Lol I guess I have this mental barrier that bars me from all things emotional. I always believed. why should someone willingly make himself or herself feel bad right? So I wonder if that makes me ... unemotional y'know.

I always dabbled in things that I loved like science-fiction and games. Sure girls have no interest in geeks and I often come of as facetious, silly and comical to my friends. But I'm happy where I am.

Maybe I could start like a cult. *does that smily that contemplates an evil plan

and you know what else I feel deeply for. Yes that is right, its the new dark fantasy epic by Bioware, Dragon Age: Origins! (ROFL transition complete)

Yes the geek-bell has rung, hurry away or Darth Vader might eat you! >:(

Happy holidays people :D

Words alone cannot describe my love and awe for this RPG masterpiece. For DA:O, think Diablo II with a lighter tone and then a sprinkle of dragons with a mix of blood. The game itself offers tons of customization with a deep and interesting storyline. It really keeps in line with the "dark fantasy" theme. Even the ending did not feel so " happily ever after" .

So the key portion of the game was the Origins portion whereby the game fleshes out the "origin stories" of the protaganist ( yes that's you! ). On my first playthrough I was this rogue Elf character with midnight black shoulder-length hair. Though I did enjoy that style of gameplay, over time I preferred the use of mages with their imbalanced spell prowess. and the animations are just awesome to watch. So on my second playthrough I played as a Human Mage who reminds me of Darth Bane. You can imagine that DA:O provides a ton of replayability and compels you to journey through Ferelden more than once with radically different outcomes.

I really loved the soundtrack. If not, it is my favourite soundtrack amongst all my games. Obviously next to Assassin's Creed 2's Renaissance Music. When I first completed the game and sat through the end credits ( I believe that people who sit through end credits are always rewarded ) ... they played this song " This is War" by 30 seconds to Mars. and I really thought of my virtual adventures through Fereldan and I loved the game so much more.

I gotta mention that their characters are so deep, I almost feel like I have a crush on one of the female companions. Yeah her name is Morrigan, ( a name often associated with crows ) who's this really dark, witch-like kind of companion who's also really beautiful. She made me really depressed when she left the party to save my life from the arch-demon. and it is difficult to get me depressed. of course we can all agree that were she a real woman, she'd be rejecting me by now. :)

Happy holidays fellow geeks/

Fury of the Black Pepper Chicken

You know that advestisement for the new Black Pepper KFC chicken ? biggest understatement of the century. They should name it the Black Chicken of Death and Diarrheoa. I have a rather moderate threshold for spicy stuff but this chicken ... This chicken spits on the threshold , performs a moonsault on my digestive system and proceeds to unleash his wrestling finisher on my bladder. ( Oh god the horror )

One of my motto's in life is "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Put simply, for every nice and awesome thing that happens, something equally shitty and bad is gonna happen. So technically, its rather positive when life seems like shit but becomes really negative when you like Life. So when you get diarrheoa from KFC, you can expect something good in return.

So... I would like to take back my insults of the New Moon movie. (Fans all over the world scream in ecstacy) No not, the Twilight series you fucked up fanatics, (screaming dies down) just the movie. Despite the incessent spoilers from Deepak on my left and the 4D earthquake special effects from Xiu Ming shaking his legs, I have to admit that I sorta enjoyed the movie.

I always thought that the actress who plays Bella had only one emotion. That is the drug-induced " I think I'm in a coma... " melancholic face.

As demonstrated (ohveryskillfully) in this picture.

In this movie she introduces 2 new emotions. The " OHNOES Edward's gonna twinkle in the sunlight" sign of desperation.

and the " I like to scream randomly while I sleep" emotion. so now thats one plus two, so ( grabs a calculator) ... she has a total of four emotions. *round of applause

Of course. you could partially attribute 50% of that pleasure to ruining the movie for others in the cinema. I remember the scene where Jacob takes off his T-shirt, for no apparent reason I presume, and I could distinctly hear the chicks behind us screaming. Then I, ( as a joke ) started to scream like a fangirl as well and soon enough all 6 of us were laughing like immature boys. Which we are. *executes a edward-hating star-wars fanboy chuckle.

Get your Twilight:New Moon DVD today ! . Terms and conditions apply. Immature boy sold seperately. :D

Nothing is true, everything is permitted

Alphadog and Oh-Oh-Omegalomaniac ( ah ah yeaaa ah ah )

I think the new skin is oh-so-cool. Just posting to celebrate the end of " Holiday homework: Phase 1 " , I have all my ace-learning worksheets, math worksheets and english homework done. I have yet to do my Physics , Chemistry and Geog. Which I will surely finish by the last week.

Quote of the Day by yours truly : " Planning makes a difference. and Twilight sucks. "

I hope the lion eats the fucking lamb

Yet another reason why Twilight is detrimental to your mental health.

Stephanie Meyer has changed the meaning of fanatism. In fact, she has created a new generation of fans who are bashing the shit out of the old fans. Now, people will be discussing who will win in a fight, a deranged Twilight fan or Wolverine.

You don't see us kidnapping Boba Fett or robbing shops for life sized statuettes of Darth Vader. Jeez... ( Although , really , you can't deny that a full scaled replica of Darth Vader would be AWESOME )

Since we're all in the mood for poking fun at the Twilight series. Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
This is an excerpt from a Twilight parody. Classic shit.

Most U.S Americans don't have maps


Its Keyboard Cat! I love that song. Before that listen to the ridiculously dumb blonde chick.

My mother says I can't die

Good news. Gears of War the Movie has been confirmed! Hopefully we can get Batista to play Marcus Fenix, that would be frikkin sweeeet.


Hey feel free to spot the similarities.

Bad news, the director behind Twilight is slated to work on the movie. Please God, no locust spawn love scenes. No handsome shapshifting locust spawns who do not like to wear T-shirts. No teenage vegetarian locust spawns that sparkle like glitter glue when exposed to sunlight. Please oh please.

Good news again. The studio behind franchises with the likes of 300 and Die Hard is working on it as well. Hoorah!

Craig David - Insomnia

Hey what did you know, the self-proclaimed procrastinator finished 2 of his ace-learning papers in a record ... (adjusts blog post timing ) 3hrs ! and now I can't sleep for no apparent reason. Crap. Math homework must be the secret ingredient to coffee.


"The Sith always betray one another, "

"but I'm sure you'll learn that soon enough" ~ Master Shaak Ti

You know when you start enjoying holiday life, think all you have for homework is that thin stack of A-math and physics worksheets and then you realize there is a shitload of homework that they store online? What's worse is when you're a shameless procrastinator. Right next to me is a pile of printed ace-learning homework I promised to do at 9pm. It's currently 2.14 in the morning. Its things like these that make you think, "Shit, Life's a real bitch"

But she's an AWESOME bitch at that. You know what else is awesome? Assassins Creed 2. Its one of those games that you play and you think, " Life's good". Hell yea, it rocks so much I decided to place it on Nic's stack of awesome games, next to the Master Chief and Batman. While people were playing mediocre games on Facebook, I was leaping into the air and plunging my hidden blades into to FACES of Templars and the Pope. ( Don't get me wrong, in this game the antagonist is a corrupted Pope who feels up young children )

My favourite part of the game was the story. It is just simply amazing. Enticing if you will. You can really tell that a lot of work was put into this. Lots of several conspiracy theories surrounding what really happens around us. Things like the origin of mankind. A New World Order ( commonly abbreviated as NWO ). The Apocalypse. and they fuse all these theories together so perfectly into a single video game. I spent the better part of the holidays researching all this theories cus I was so enticed by the story of this game. Books, articles and trusty Wikipedia. Oh and theres the gameplay and graphics which are also amazing and beautiful respectively but you can get a more detailed review at IGN. PS. The Italian Renaissance is a really beautiful period of time to live in. You even get to meet Leonardo Da Vinci ! Who's name I learnt was pronounced "Leh-oh-nar-do"

So there's the intellectual portion with the concept and the conspiracy theories and the hardcore assassinations with oh so much blood. And that's why I simply love this game. If you're a fan of conspiracy theories and looking for some action that will keep you at the edge of your seat at the same time, Assassin's Creed 2 is the game for you. :D

Oh dear, I hope he lands safely. Atop that guard and in the process driving his blade into the guard's face! :D

Wow I did not expect that to come off as a review. I was just blogging to drag time until I do my homework. More on popular culture.

Avatar's coming out. Deemed one of the coolest sci-fi movies by ... me. Lots and lots of hype surrounding this movie. And according to the many previews I've seen on , its hype well deserved. Just search James Cameron's Avatar on Google.