Wednesday was the CNY celebrations . It was ns . Especially the wushu performance . brandon's junior is surprisingly pro ! Brandon as well . I thought the indonesian dance was damn funny lor . me and justin laugh until siao .
After that met up with Kuan Ting and went back to Hgp . Saw this " Cai Shen Ye " at ANderson lol ...
Chatted on the bus and on the way back . Talked about school, teachers and stuff . Met Chengling on the bus . When we reached HGP , there were not much ppl left as it was like 11.30 .
Saw Victor and Martin. They were playing frisbee as usual so me and KT went to look for teachers .
Stupid Audrey go spread rumor about me and my frens reading porn book .
Those like Jaslyn u would understand . So Audrey told Mdm Anita straight and then she was shocked but then laughed . Then she told me dun read too much . Wah lao . Anyways Me and Kt went to crap around the pull up bar area . After that went to have lunch with the others like Hui Jie and Ian at KFC .
After that Vict and Martin and the whole gang went to play frisbee around the area . Actually Me and Kt just sat down and slack . Talk about NCC and stuff . Crapped around with randy and the rest . Talked for v long , then went home with KT around 3 .
While we're on the subject . Me and KT were talking about Pushups and thats when Lionel told us that they had done 1000 pumping once cus they're late . Then i was shocked cus I tot i was alr quite good at 400 . Does that mean NCC standard is nt that gd ? anyway I determined to do 1000 pushups by the end of the year . maybe increase the pushups punishment when I ROD .
It was quite fun , talking with KT and the rest , bt not as fun cus the whole gang was nt there . Like on Teachers Day. Cus this time Tony , Deon , Calvin , Shawn all didnt come . So I hope the next time we go back we will have more fun :) ...
Going to Malaysia tmr . Stayed up to 2 plus playing SF with Justin . then played mahjong with my parents till like 3 . aNd now still posting . Hope you all get as much Red packet as possible . :)
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