Rock climbing was quite funny lol . I chionged up the wall , but then i got stuck at the second last rock . Then I had no energy to push myself up anymore lol . Bt with the advice of the screaming NCC guys below , I dragged myself up and finished it . Happy me and Deepak finished it :) ... As for the idiots, we were supposed to prepare a skit for our performance . Bt some losers just wanted to ruin it by being dumb and talk at us like pai kia liddat . Bt they are really just some overweight pigs trying to be pai kia. Me and Deepak got v pissed as a result cus we were leading the platoon for the skit.
Overall I sort of enjoyed it, bt it would have been better without those losers . Pic from Camp :)
Thats me at the top left hand corner . The fattys are not in the photo .
Lots of other stuff happened too . Valentines day ? It was a fun day for the NCC guys . Sent some msgs in the morning to wish some ppl happy V day . Got some random chocolates . HEHEH . After sch , 93.3 DJs visited our school to dedicate songs. Me and KT wanted to take pics with them bt had no chance. It was also RYAN and DEAN's BDAYS ! So we decided to taupok Ryan like siao . And so we did . LOL . In the end , almost all of us kena-ed taupoked . Pics of the DJs .
Random stuff ... played a part to make 2 gd friends cry on Wed . I am such a bastard. Apologized like siao to A . He broke down cus he couldnt take any more of people insulting him often and calling him a flirt. I play a part cus I always make random insults that were only meant as jokes. Another good friend , B , broke down as well . Me and another fren wanted to taupok him for fun pinned him down on the floor. He managed to escape and punch and kicked me while shouting at the other fren . Felt bad after that as he locked himself away for v long .
Well , made up with A after consoling him . I really cant take ppl crying. B talked to me normally the next day so I assumed he forgave me. I am happy that they had forgiven me as they are v impt frens .
LOL that was DEPRESSING . Anyway exams have finished and slacking now . Today's NCC training was so fun and SHUANG . Went running and pumping for PT . did many diamonds and lots of pumping . Talked cock during the 10 min energizer . No one was free for dinner so I went to Mac myself and had dinner . Watching L , Change The World Tmr !
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