Wednesday during NCC, we had PT . So we practised our cross country and ran 10 rounds around the field . Its actually not that long or tiring lah. We took only like 20 + mins. Did some minor pumping halfway , then had another round of PT with Yue Rong. I really want a HELL pt someday cus like now our platoon highest record is like only 150 or 200 .
Ytd Part B's kena screwed by Yue Rong during drills. Drilled us throughout training then made Deepak screw us even more. Bt its not his fault , cus the sgts screwed him until he screamed at us. Since we didnt have Yue Rongs PT , we are gonna get 200 nxt week. woohoo . Finally did 500 also.
Then the bad part. Results . Lets See .
English - Quite Good , abt B3 A2 . Justin got highest in class then he became spastic and went to action around ppl . He told me " U so smart. Surely get very high de lah ! " ... Then Brandon and I got pissed so we hid his stuff around the classroom. Then he became emo and forced me to go pick up everything again ... I got 52/80 . Third I think ?
Science - Did quite well . A2 ~ 24/35 But damn alot of those trick questions. "None at all "
Geog and Hist are quite good , A2 and A1. Justin got highest for Hist , just when he was about to boast I told him to shut the hell up . I got third . Again .
Lit I failed like shit.
-> 9/25 LOL
Chinese = Borderline pass which is like 50.1 or smth .
Thats why my dad got so damn pissed. I mean its not like I fail every damn subject right. Still , he lecture me until 1 + on Wednesday night. I got a curfew at 2 pm everyday. Sleep at 10.30 every night . OMG lah ... He also didnt want to let me go to my NCC camp. But then I think he felt bad so he signed it anyway.
Getting report bk back on Monday. That thing is like the Death Note lah. Once u get it sure die .

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