Jai Ho ... You are the reason that I still believe.
You are my Destiny , JAI HO !
Got me singing throughout the week ;D
Lets start with this Wednesday , which was the actual ROD day itself. ...
And so it went. Berets all thrown in the air. Seniors Singing their last Bersurai . Emotional moments. Of Course that means the iniation of the new specialist , us !!
Buffet , followed by serial raping , taking of photos. And as promised by our responsible CSM , we will strive to bring back the Gold Unit in Anderson NCC , and I will do to the best of my ability to ensure that Anderson Cadets possess the discipline to make it . ;) Special thanks to our PnP head for making or the arrangements for a successful ROD Buffet .
Went home and watched the 2009 WWE Draft from 10 to 1.30. What really depressed me was of course , Miz got drafted to Raw. yes, ALONE . That Spells the end of Miz and Morrison , the Dirt sheet , and the greatest tag team worth watching on WWE. Jerome and I gotta find a new tag team worth imitating, which is basically NO ONE.
here they are in they're glory.
Fine lets move on to brighter moments. Thursday basically slack day with a tint of Tatooing.

Tatooist Yang Shao Xuan admiring his masterpiece.
My ultra kewl Halo 3 tatoo made of correction liquid
Our friend Kevin Yong who got the ultra cool flower tatoo .
Lets fast-forward Friday to LAN. It was a pretty fun two games. Very long since we got so fucking high and started high-fiving and screaming like girls at a David Archuleta concert. Of course it was cool , manly screaming like " roar " .
Made stupid Lan Names like " sexbomb" and " sexybeast" haha. Not to mention names like " aLLah aLLAh " , got everyone laughing.
Speech Day Confession : I screwed up Satan. T_T . But hey we still got a loud applause and actually , the VIP wasnt even paying much attention >:D . soooo Lets end the post with a quote with Mr. csm himself.
"Just realise that i have a bunch of Amaths worksheet to do and history stuff to complete"
Oh shit wrong quote .
"To my butch of fun-loving and supportive fellow platoon mates aka specialist, lets work hard together and soar greater heights!!! " Thank You ;)
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