To a women so heartless

Hi. I'm just depressed and I'm here to rant. No its impossible to cry on your blog. So my damned Mass Effect disk was scratched ! Probably by the Xbox 360. I've read like 4.5 million forums posts on how to fix this. Including washing it with toothpaste , boiling it in hot water and apparently " using your fingernail to scratch away the scratches " . Smart huh ?

I was so into the game and this had to happen. I'm guessing the best thing to do would be to return to Funzcentre and pray that they will replace it. But THAT would be another big problem. Given that my good 18-year old friend bought it for me and he probably threw away the reciept. Oh noes. Does that mean in the mean time I have to play the game called DotA ???

Heres another thing that sucks ! Kris Allen won American Idol ! "Oh my gosh, hes so cute ! "
Hahaha. Ok fine maybe it doesnt suck all that bad. I really like his rendition of "Heartless" and " Apologize". Adam on the other hand, lost . Man , I still think that people don't vote for him cus hes gay and all. Heres a common topic I hear alot.

" Omg Nicholas are you crazy ? Do you know he wears EYELINER ?! "
" Omg! Yea ! That makes him so gay ! What kind of guy wears eyeliner right ? "

A flamboyant one people.

Anw, let me return to being bummed out about Mass Effect T.T