Onto more geeky and seemingly useless things to non-geeks, its the Xbox 360 Gaming Showdown Singapore! Thats right, its the gaming equivalent of the SGTCC '09 . And its for Xbox 360 owners ! Kiss my Spartan-armored ass you Sony fanboys. Its making its rounds around the Singapore Media, and its statistically proven that you probably dismissed it. Here are the details.

Venue: VivoCity, Western Court Area, Singapore
Time: 3pm-9pm (23 Oct Friday) , 12pm-9pm (24-25 Oct Sat and Sunday)
Games like Forza Motorsport 3, DJ Hero, Lips, NBA2k10 and Assassin's Creed 2 will all be featured and thats just a few of them. There will be challenges and you stand to win LG Surround sound systems and TV sets.
Visit the officials site at http://xboxsingapore.com/xgs/index.html for the complete Event schedule.
Well, one fanboy is sure to be there. ;)
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