Thats right, Happy (very ) Belated Birthday to myself. and thank you very much to all those who wished me ... happy birthday. Birthday celebration was really just a gathering of relatives ... playing some old-school Halo with cousins. Decimation of cousins.
( ROFL ... this guy named " Fuck you " just signed in on MSN. Really sweet huh? Its like your Windows Live Messenger is pointing the middle finger at you. )
Anyway... I got a Calvin Klein wallet from my uncle and family, which was one of my favourites. My mum got me an Adidas bag. My sister got me this chest workout thingy, (you bend it here and there). My dad bought a SW Xbox360 Game. and I really like it all. So its an enjoyable birthday for Nic this year. :)

That's a photo of the birthday cards my little cousins drew for me. Apparently they stayed up till midnight crayon-ing these cards for me. A4 size paper crayon-ed fully on both sides. I was just really touched :)
and since I have nothing much to do, lets do some game reviews.
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