Its called "Fanboys" , and its basically about a group of 4 Major Star Wars Fans
Who have been like best friends since high school . ( Sound Familiar ? )
And they meet up and plan to break into the Skywalker Ranch at California.
Which is like the base of ALL STAR WARS AWESOMENSS in the GALAXY.
Think James Bond meets Darth Vader.
Then along the way , they meet up with major SW characters from the movie,
namely Princess Leia :D
Lando Calrissian
and Darth Maul himself ! :DDD
What makes this movie complete is that Kristen Bell stars in it as well :DDD
I have known that she was a big Star Wars Fan on her own .

heres a picture of her with two stormtroopers at Celebration IV .
and of course here is the trailer itself.
Please don't judge the movie based on the sleazy picture at the beggining of the video.
Non SW fans might choose not to watch , Omar take a look if you see this.
Man am I gonna catch this movie with Jerome and Xiu Ming and Pooven and gang,
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