One of my motto's in life is "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Put simply, for every nice and awesome thing that happens, something equally shitty and bad is gonna happen. So technically, its rather positive when life seems like shit but becomes really negative when you like Life. So when you get diarrheoa from KFC, you can expect something good in return.
So... I would like to take back my insults of the New Moon movie. (Fans all over the world scream in ecstacy) No not, the Twilight series you fucked up fanatics, (screaming dies down) just the movie. Despite the incessent spoilers from Deepak on my left and the 4D earthquake special effects from Xiu Ming shaking his legs, I have to admit that I sorta enjoyed the movie.
I always thought that the actress who plays Bella had only one emotion. That is the drug-induced " I think I'm in a coma... " melancholic face.
As demonstrated (ohveryskillfully) in this picture.

In this movie she introduces 2 new emotions. The " OHNOES Edward's gonna twinkle in the sunlight" sign of desperation.
and the " I like to scream randomly while I sleep" emotion. so now thats one plus two, so ( grabs a calculator) ... she has a total of four emotions. *round of applause
Of course. you could partially attribute 50% of that pleasure to ruining the movie for others in the cinema. I remember the scene where Jacob takes off his T-shirt, for no apparent reason I presume, and I could distinctly hear the chicks behind us screaming. Then I, ( as a joke ) started to scream like a fangirl as well and soon enough all 6 of us were laughing like immature boys. Which we are. *executes a edward-hating star-wars fanboy chuckle.
Get your Twilight:New Moon DVD today ! . Terms and conditions apply. Immature boy sold seperately. :D
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