You know when you start enjoying holiday life, think all you have for homework is that thin stack of A-math and physics worksheets and then you realize there is a shitload of homework that they store online? What's worse is when you're a shameless procrastinator. Right next to me is a pile of printed ace-learning homework I promised to do at 9pm. It's currently 2.14 in the morning. Its things like these that make you think, "Shit, Life's a real bitch"
But she's an AWESOME bitch at that. You know what else is awesome? Assassins Creed 2. Its one of those games that you play and you think, " Life's good". Hell yea, it rocks so much I decided to place it on Nic's stack of awesome games, next to the Master Chief and Batman. While people were playing mediocre games on Facebook, I was leaping into the air and plunging my hidden blades into to FACES of Templars and the Pope. ( Don't get me wrong, in this game the antagonist is a corrupted Pope who feels up young children )
My favourite part of the game was the story. It is just simply amazing. Enticing if you will. You can really tell that a lot of work was put into this. Lots of several conspiracy theories surrounding what really happens around us. Things like the origin of mankind. A New World Order ( commonly abbreviated as NWO ). The Apocalypse. and they fuse all these theories together so perfectly into a single video game. I spent the better part of the holidays researching all this theories cus I was so enticed by the story of this game. Books, articles and trusty Wikipedia. Oh and theres the gameplay and graphics which are also amazing and beautiful respectively but you can get a more detailed review at IGN. PS. The Italian Renaissance is a really beautiful period of time to live in. You even get to meet Leonardo Da Vinci ! Who's name I learnt was pronounced "Leh-oh-nar-do"
So there's the intellectual portion with the concept and the conspiracy theories and the hardcore assassinations with oh so much blood. And that's why I simply love this game. If you're a fan of conspiracy theories and looking for some action that will keep you at the edge of your seat at the same time, Assassin's Creed 2 is the game for you. :D
Oh dear, I hope he lands safely. Atop that guard and in the process driving his blade into the guard's face! :D
Wow I did not expect that to come off as a review. I was just blogging to drag time until I do my homework. More on popular culture.

Avatar's coming out. Deemed one of the coolest sci-fi movies by ... me. Lots and lots of hype surrounding this movie. And according to the many previews I've seen on , its hype well deserved. Just search James Cameron's Avatar on Google.
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