Yoooo. Sorry for the very late post-CCA Open House ... post. Lol .
Its just the homework and everything :p ...
3 weeks into Sec 3 Life mans , kinda stressed out
But not the hey-slit-my-fucking-wrist-right-here kind so ... yea LOL.
Sleeping at arnd 1 am on average evryday.
Lets get on to brighter things.

CCA Open House
We really practised hard for this i have to say.
Went early at 9am to have dry runs and practice.
Lunch involved Chinese Songs and Indian food with NCC bros.
All our past seniors came as well, so expectations were higher.
First performance, it was really fine for me, no screw ups for me and sharply done.
and as Ryan would like to say " WL! Fucking Screwed Up siaaa "
No la , just that he screwed the 2nd formation a little and
Damian forgot e drill at an important part :P /
Like the Sec 1s would notice.
2nd performance was generally more well done , no screw-ups in total.
Though there was less audience.
Then we taupok-ed Syazhwan with some help from Jia Chin hahas.
Mr Ng and the trs treated us to Macs after that !
Ended the day with LAN whereby Omar owned the game.
And for all of you who noticed ... lol ...
We all gotta relax once in awhile mans , and I'm trying my best to restrict myself
I try to limit to 1 or 2 games a week.
And anyway Sec 3 life hardly allows me to have the time to play.

Short segment on my thoughts of Hannibal Lecter hahas.
He's that cannibalistic serial-killing psychiatrist that eats brains and cheeks .
I saw the movie Hannibal on TV then he caught my attention.
Fine, so he gutted the protaganist dude,
But went he dismembered his own hand to save Clarice Starling's,
I guess it just touched me how deep he really is .
You don't see serial killers chopping off their own hands much do you.

I shall end the post with a compilation of Bucketheads emotianal songs.
Buckethead is a GUITAR GOD and my idol. His songs have the most emotions.
He's also a major SW fan and a casual DotA player.
So its not hard to guess why he's my idol :)
Just listen to this 10 mins of pure goodness and I promise it wont be a waste.

Enjoy ;D