2.4 run was a inspiring experience. My timing was arnd 13.00 to 14.00 according to Omar. and ... there goes my gold ... once again. But I thought it was even nicer that I didnt really stop at all throughout the run. Resilience ;) .
For 3 years 2.4 has robbed me of Napfa results and its not that I'm unfit , just that I really really hate running. I find it mentally torturous rather than physically demanding. Why run when you can do more rewarding and less taxing exercises like training your frontal muscles and upper body ? Runners only get toned calves and perharps good stamina. And you lose alot, alot of body weight. Which of course is beneficial for flabby Indians. but isn't what I'm aiming for.
Anyway thats my stand. Then again, I will still pwn at 5 items. 75 situps people. 75.
Also I think I should commend Pooven for finally prevailing lol. for the past 2 years the poor Indian has been physically compromised. Today he showed the world when he finished in 4th in class. shows that no matter how compromised or unfortunate you are, you CAN succeed. We should do like a case study on unfortunate Indians and their rate of success.
Returned to school for NCC. Was assigned by Mr Eu to set up the official NCC blog! ( because I'm "technologically savvy" according to people ) what an honour. I also experienced my second most memorable moment as a Discipline Head. Won't go into details cept that I really pushed this guy to his limits because I felt he showed no sense of resilience nor discipline. I would say that it was more like the forging of mental strength. You don't shit around with Nic and his morals. I did feel disturbingly proud of myself afterwards.
"Walao you are like worst than Amol lah . " - Xiu Ming. Worst in the sense of being fiercer of course.

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