Of course there's the downside as well. My vision is blurry ... and my hand has morphed into a claw, like it was born to play guitar. Its probably gonna stay that way for the next couple hours.
Grab your copy of Guitar Hero : World Tour today. Pants not included.
Soo ... I flunked my chinese oral . LOL . what did you expect huh. "The examiners were really impressed with my command of the Chinese language. " Topic was about polytechnic students and their attire. I think I got the points spot on but my format was definitely bad and I stuttered as though the was a friggin vibrator in each on my teeth. Though on my way out I swore I heard them say : " Not bad " . It was either a very mean joke to make or they noticed my six-pack abs from my workout the day before. :D ( we were talking about having a extra points for charm )
In recent news, I started exercising again :D. And I'm feeling great. Initially, I had muscle sores from the first exercises. Then the next day I could barely stretch my arm out . Contemplated going to the doctor but Yahoo says that these are typical if you haven't exercised for a long time and I should even exercise more. and exercise more I did. Now, I feel more refreshed and bulkier. Of course, I still have to get that rust off my weights.
Also , I had to return my No.1 uniform to HQ on friday. ( I know you're there Tan Kuan Ting ) It was a pretty depressing day. Kinda like the day your barbie doll got beheaded, or your maple character got hacked or something.
But then again Jerome and Xiu Ming came over after that for some Fanboys and WWE. I have watched the damned movie for 4 times and it never gets old. It epitomizes what a true fanboy stands for and I can definitely relate to the 4 geeks in the movie. Kinda like me omar xiu ming and jerome.
Call us losers and we will cripple you with our polycarbonate lightsabers.

" The wall are not gonna close in on us ! "

I love you Kristen Bell.
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