Drained ...

Exclaiming "Walao!" seems to be all I can do now.

I pretty much enjoyed today generally. Most lessons today were enjoyable. Then again, thinking about the prospect of at least 4 or 5 common test within monday to wednesday next week, keeps bothering me. "My god!" They have to realize we are humans. Humans who require their Xbox time over the weekend. Humans who can , essentially , break down and die from the stress.

Napfa 5 items was a key thing today. Tiring, but enjoyable times. Just an overview ,

Inclined Pull-Ups : 46 ( you biased losers lol )
Sit-Ups : 75. As you can see , its not much of a difference from the past year.
Sit-And-Reach: 40 ( I'm pure NCC not Chinese Dance )
Standing Broad Jump : 220 cm
Shuttle run : 9.8 seconds.

Of course , I wanted to do real pull ups. Forunately or unfortunately, I'm younger than all of you ;). and ONCE AGAIN, I single-handedly sweep away the entire level with my outstanding sit-up capabilities. Don't claim that I cheated for there were at least 2 people who witnessed my superhuman feat. I wouldn't say that the rest are something that I'm really proud of , but I did surprise myself with such an improvement. From 10+ seconds to 9.8 . From 190+cm to 220cm. From 36cm to 40cm. Certainly it has been a year of improvements.

Taking a look at Pooven the Indian Case Study, past 2 years he has been getting bronze even though his birthday hasn't passed. But this year, according to him its AACCC and a fail for standing broad jump. Which was due to severe " peer pressure " apparently, literally the entire ISH was chanting " Pooven ... Masturbate ... Pooven ... Masturbate " . I imagine it must have been quite difficult , not to mention embarassing.

" Walao I'm really gonna train this sunday lah" - quotes the indignant indian.

Came home at 7pm and immediately started on creating the NCC blog. Of which I'm charge of. I spent a torturous 3 hours looking for appropriate templates, configuring certain format-related aspects, changed a few quotes here and there , and uploading my own pictures in an effort to add a truly unqiue touch to the Anderson NCC blog. I'll leave the criticism up to you. Visit it at, www.andssnccwarriors.blogspot.com .

Good lord , I suddenly realised I'm damn shacked. Good night.