Last Thursday, I walked into a video rental store located conveniently beside my tuition center. At that precise moment, I was completely enamored by a short clip of this woman playing on the Blu-Ray player they were exhibiting. It was truly a moment of revelation for she reminded me that some of the great things in life ... were still existent.
Well, this woman is Kristen Anne Bell, 29, and she is the paragon of the classic fangirl. She's exquisite, stunningly beautiful, quaint in the most charming manner and oh so cute. So cute is she, that she named her lazy eye "Smurfette", after the female cartoon character from The Smurfs . She's amazingly liberal and played dirty games with the cast of Fanboys. And also, look at that bloody picture and tell me that she isn't ridiculously hot.
However, I believe that the most marvellous aspect that defines Kristen Bell is her geek chic lifestyle.
You see, Kristen has been associated with the idea that "nerdy is the new cool", and I quote,
"What I like about nerdiness - geekiness - is that it doesn't really matter what you're into - it just means you're not a follower." - Kristen Bell
I really love this quote for it explains the heart of what it means to be a geek. Geeks know that being "a meaningless dot in a sea of people" is highly unsatisfying. I refer to the 87.9% of people who will coo, clap uproariously and most annoyingly, exclaim "aww" at every one of Mr.Kamal's movie screening.
It also explains why I really embrace the geek lifestyle, from the video games to the comic books to the in-depth knowledge about Darth Vader's helmet. I like having an identity and a central passion in my seemingly pathetic teenage life. The fortune of having friends that share this passion serves to catalyse the passion to mind-blowing levels. Major emphasis on the "mind-blowing" part.
"(Geeks are) people who like what they like and don't apologise for it just because it isn't mainstream." - Kristen Bell
Very true. Take me for example. I'm not one to betray who I am to be popular. I believe that "When you have no morals, you have nothing." So I'd rather be alone and geeky than be popular and betray my morals, which is sadly, the fact right now. (*shrugs it off with a casual "Haha" to hide my sorrow).
Inherently, this sense of individualism and finding who I really am, makes life very enjoyable. So ... a point for Kristen.
Moreover, Kristen's tantalizing roles in Veronica Mars, Heroes, as a video game character in Assassin's Creed and the titular female Star Wars fanatic in Fanboys have immortalised her placement as the golden-bikini-clad princess in the centre of the geek universe. She's cornered the market on losers like us.
But Kristen represents something greater. The actual existence of "fangirls", the female counterparts to fanboys. For every Bella, there must be a vegetarian vampire. For every Kuan Ting, there must be a bottle of Ambipur. Unfortunately, for every 1,000,000 fanboys, there is but one fangirl. EPF.
Fangirls are like rare gems. They're smart and funny. They're intelligently funny (Sound familiar?). They'd be able to enter an hour long discussion about the philosophical aspects of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. They'd probably be able to make a funny comment about one of my friends by referencing him to a character in Dragon Age. They could probably valiantly argue about who would win in a fight: Batman or Boba Fett. (Personally, I'd go with Bats) . To put it simply, a female, actually sexy, version of DH Omar Khalid. They're not only your best friend but also someone you love. In the end, doesn't that make them superior to any other girl?
The key to every relationship is common interests. I know that not by personal experience (*people begin making petty jokes about me and girls) but by people like Oprah. That is exactly what fanboys and fangirls share and what's more, their interest in a common subject is so strong that it reinforces the relationship tenfold and make them seem perfect to one another.
When nearly 97% of the world's females are concerned about their popularity or appearances, fangirls shine like supernovas. In essence, appearance plays second fiddle to pure passion when it comes to fangirls.
Sometimes, I'd see a bespectacled girl browsing through games at the game store and I'd be plesantly surprised. Only to realise moments later that they're just buying something for their brothers or their boyfriends. But I know that they're out there. And I'd thank my lucky stars if I ever get to meet one.
Fanboys assemble and share your opinions!
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