The song with the blood

EDIT: I started on this last night, then inconspicuously fell asleep while watching Family Guy , so the continuity in the Lord of the Nic might be erroneous here and there

Good mother of the lord, I have been dying the blog for the past week. But I mean, who talks about the virtues of only using the computer on weekends, and fails to do so every Wednesday. Pfft, what a loser.

A woman of Indian origin made a a sinfully dreadful remark just today, as I returned from the opposite coffee shop after lunch. I believe she was a teacher in the school, in fact, the one whom Pooven hit on one fine History Elective Timed Practice, at which she replied with a comment about the existence of a certain. more attractive boyfriend. Oh what rapier sharp wit!

However, it does not bode well when she uses that fricking rapier to jab at my belief system. So Jerome, Adriel, Arvin and the other 4/1 dudes were attempting to cross the road ( the one in the school ), and a car was approaching. Instinctively, the rather ambiguous teacher exclaimed, "Hey, get off the road you sons of bitches ( or something along that line ) ". Then from her armpits emerged ten other arms and she grabbed all 6 boys and flung them into Nanyang Polytechnic. (Or something like that). Upon realisation that the 16-year-old young adults were relatively safe from an imminent car crash, she said, in direct reference to their class T-shirt, ...

"Hey, I know your T-shirt says your'e not geeks but don't behave like one"

So discriminatory! Totally crossed the line. The line is a dot to her.

EDIT: At this point, I wake up on a Saturday Afternoon, and seamlessly transit into the next part of General News.

In other news, The Things We Can Learn From Facebook.

Lesson Number One: Acronyms such as "jkjk", peppered with "XD" (apparently some depiction of a deceased male who is inexplicably smiling with the utmost glee ) ... do not, in fact, help to make nasty comments more palatable to the reader.


"I'm sorry Mr.Lim. The surgery was a complete failure. Your wife is now a vegetable and you have to take care of her for the rest of your life, with no real hope of her ever waking up.

Jkjk XD

She's actually dead. "