Take a look at this page.
http://www.gamespy.com/articles/106/1066150p1.html. This guy on gamespy was making fun of some advertisments for gaming consoles and it is really hilarious. Well for me at least. My favourites were the Pokemon and Mental Institution ones. Really epic stuff.
My preview of Halo: Reach
So I bought it this magazine called Edge because I saw a Spartan on its cover. It's literally a magazine on videogame culture. and I read all about the production process of Halo: Reach which claims to be the biggest Halo project that Bungie has embarked on. Bungie's apparently ending the Halo franchise with a BANG. Finishing the fight. Well, you really can't believe them because they "finished the fight" with Halo 3 4 years ago. and 2 years later they "started another fight" with Halo 3: ODST. and now its a god damned war with Halo: Reach.
Anyway, it really shows that Bungie's putting alot of effort into Reach. My god do the Spartans look awesome. No ... the word Awesome is a COMPLETE understatement. The guy has a fucking skull decorated on his visor. Nuff' said.

By the way, it rains on Reach. The environmental dynamics have improved drastically.

The Covenant is a much more savage, less civilised group. If I'm not wrong, the jackals are not wearing armor in this game. It really demonstrates the idea that the Covenant are these raw beasts that will crush humanity.

New vehicles, new weapons, brand new Halo game set to invade video game stores worldwide end 2010.

It easy to understand why I have this great passion for all things geek because in the video game industry, reading magazines like these are coined " self-improvement " . In Singapore, under the SPUR programme, the government will pay for the damn magazine. I'm PAID to read about something this cool. So its really a dream to be able to establish myself in the video game industry worldwide.
Screw that. My ACTUAL dream is to bathe in these games.

By the way, Humanities students, go check out my group's SS video on the AndersonHumanitiesPortal. Is it too haughty to say that it is the official Video King on Ning portal ? Haha but it is pretty cool. The soundtrack is actually from a Mass Effect 2 trailer and Mr.Kamal praised it. So lesson number one: it pays to be a geek. Big thanks to all my team members for contributing, especially Adriel, who was really sick, and JK, who put aside all his pride to be our oil well.
EDIT: Oh my, I think I'm getting worse at blogging. It must be the stress. I actually found my blog un-interesting. and dare I say ... emo ????!!!!

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