Random stuff


My blog looks prettaye awesome on 150% zoom. Actually, everything on my display screen looks awesome in zoom. Everything's cleaner, more distinct. I can distinguish the tatoos on Subject Zero's body.

Btw, not blogging very often due to Collector threat. That's cool slang for playing the heck out of Mass Effect 2.

Gonna watch DVDs this weekend. Erm, Tuesdays with Morrie, Rain man and Moon. Rain man and TWM's supposed to be emotional and Moon is a sci-fi psychological thriller? Its really like the man on the moon except that instead of returning to Earth and the joys of quarantine, poor dude's stuck on the piece of rock with a computer AI. Oscar material.

Tuesdays with Morrie's gonna make me cry. Well ... analyse this. I cried whilst reading the book. I teared up watching the damn trailer. So the movie itself's ... probably gonna unleash the flood gates. and hey ... don't judge me! Morrie says: " Its okay to cry" .

Touching episode of Chuck one hour ago. Very awesome show.

and lastly for further entertainment, visit the link entitled "Jerome". An inspirational story of ice-cream, class photos and blackmail apparently.

3 min up. Study for Geog time.