So I was doing some nerdy-emotional-fulfilling research on Mass Effect 2. e.g. Mordin's background, what brand of underwear does Miranda Lawson wear etc. Came up with two very cool stuff. Well, "biotics", which are the Mass Effect universe's equivalant of the "Force" originated from a very peculiar South-East-Asian city. That's right, superpowers originated right here under the nose of the Merlion in sunny Singapore when some starships carrying eezo ( Element Zero ) had some accident and spilled a shitload of eezo over the Little Red Dot.
Well, some pregnant ladies were affected by this incident and APPARENTLY their respective children were found to be capable of telekinetic abilities and other cool stuff like manipulating dark energy and creating black holes. Plus, one of your teammates in the original ME : Kaidan Alenko. Yep, his mum was hit by eezo right here in Singapore but fortunately for us ... he turned out to be a bad-ass biotic fighting on our side. So a Singaporean bad-ass fighting intergalactic mercenary scum. Cool huh ?
For all you know, I might be a biotic. Yeah, mess with me somemore and I'll castrate you. With my brain :D
Secondly. Lemme introduce you to this beautiful woman called Tricia Helfer.

I first knew about her as the ravishing and foxy beauty that guest-starred on Chuck as Agent Sarah Walker's "replacement" as well as Casey's love interest ( LOL ! ). Then it became so much more. Turns out she has had prominent role in video games as well.

Veronica Dare in Halo 3: ODST ? Yep thats her.

EDI, the sexy-sounding AI from Mass Effect 2 that saved your ass more than once? Yeah, its all Tricia Helfer.

Even Seth Green's on to her ! By the way, Seth is your public image of the typical geek, voicing Jeff " Joker" Monreau in ME 1 and ME 2 and appeared in Heroes as a comic book guy. Most people know him as the guy in " Old Dogs" with the gorilla.
Referring to the aforementioned Agent Casey ( Adam Baldwin ), well apparently he was in ODST as well ! Yep as Dutch, the scruffy ODST. Its amazing how all this is interlinked.

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