"Huuuuuuuuumaaaaaans !!!!" - an angry Locust Drone

I'll tell you what I did for the past 12 hours. Stopped blogging at around 1pm. So I loaded the "Gears Of War" Xbox 360 game ( borrowed from Shao Xuan ) into the 360 and started on the "Casual" Campaign. So far I have completed 4 out of the 5 acts. And I'm pretty much enjoying it!
The gameplay style is UNBELIEVABLY similar to Mass Effect 2. Here's a summary from Wiki.
"Gears of War is an "over-the-shoulder" third-person shooter that places emphasis on using cover to avoid taking damage while strategically moving towards enemy forces ...

The player can attempt an "Active Reload" of a weapon to reload it faster and temporarily boost the damage from the gun, but failing to perform the Active Reload correctly will cause the gun to become momentarily jammed while the player's character fixes it.

When the player takes damage, the "Crimson Omen", a red cog representing the player's health gauge, will fade into the screen, becoming more defined with larger amounts of damage. The player can seek cover to recover their health, but if they take too much damage, they will become incapacitated. Once this occurs, a skull will fill the center void of the omen.

The game features a five-act campaign that can be played alone or co-operatively with one other player. The campaign focuses on Marcus Fenix and Dominic "Dom" Santiago as part of their efforts in the Delta Squad to wipe out the Locust forces. The campaign can be played at three difficulty settings. From easiest to hardest, these are "Casual", "Hardcore" and "Insane". The "Insane" difficulty is unlocked only when the game is beaten on one of the other two difficulties."

However, I do get like a terrible terrible migraine after completing every act. I have to take like a 1 hour nap to get rid of the migraine. I mean I'm not SUPPOSED to get headaches because I am a First-Person-Shooter GOD. Yes the rumours are true. I am indeed the Master Cheif reincarnated into a Singaporean boy. Its unnatural for me to have a headache.

Back to the game. I have to say that the environments are extremely polished, individialised and refined. Truthfully? Whenever I load up a save game after taking a break, the graphics just blow me away. The maps are truly breathtaking. And this does not refer to like waterfalls and green pastures and some girl from Holland rolling in the meadows. You see, GOW is set in a post-apocalyptic world. The planet has been RAVAGED.

Yet this does not mean that everything looks like shit. When night falls, and there is a downpour, it is a really dark setting yet an unnatural beauty stems from it. There is an amazing attention to the details of the environment and the vibrant and diverse environments make for a feast for the eyes.

Well, I really have not completed the game. What, with one more act to go and not enough brain juice to pull through. I'll probably just spend like an hour tomorrow to annihilate the Locust Horde. *imitates Marcus Fenix and the sound of the chainsaw bayonet VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOM