Well I plan to wake up at 5am tmr for qing ming festival. Yeah well good luck with that. I was supposed to finish my Physics paper by 3 but given my unnatural efficiency I have 32 mins to spare. and what better way to spend that 32 extra minutes by spreading my misery with the world wide web.
Well NCC camp is over. Wasn't as fun as one would expect but still pretty enjoyable. Food was incredible! (Thumbs up to food IC Xiu Ming, weighing at 91 kilograms apparently) Standard activities include Nerf guns, war games, movies, Playstation. Nerf war was pretty much ... unbelievably awesome. I was a frickin high throughout the specialist games man. Its not often that I exclaim "Suck it bitches". Because, you know, you just get the feeling that you're the titular Commander Shepard and aided by your lesbian alien companions ( Jerome ) and overweight krogan bodyguards ( Xiu Ming ), you annihilate the rebellious insectoid alien shitheads ( Juniors ).
Got to interview the juniors. Probably the main gist of the entire camp. and it turned out to be pretty interesting too. We actually encountered a wild pokemon that was blocking our way to the parade square podium. Take a look.

But thanks to our trusty Pokeflute. Look at the results!

However, as Uncle Ben said" With great time spent interviewing juniors, you get sent out of chemistry class". That was what he said right?
But I got to say. 3 days and 2 nights in school in charge of adolescent boys does take its toll on you. By the end of the camp, I was falling asleep on Chin's shoulders. Who, by the way, got like violated by a bunch of cockroaches.
Really gonna quit Xbox-ing and other non-important stuff. Because I really cannot manage the workload of it all. Even though my level 21 Infiltrator has yet to recruit Thane or Samara but I have to step up and put Mass Effect 2 down. Hidden away in some Egyptian tomb or something. Those pharoahs are going to be very lucky mummies.
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