
Okay it may appear as though I have a lot of free time but that is really not the case. I'm just supposed to stay up till 3.30 a.m. to watch the last episode of Smackdown before Wrestlemania. And I'm supposed to study the History Topic under Hitler at 1.00 a.m. My initial plan was to play Mass effect 2 for a couple of hours but you know how I get so emotionally attached to such stuff and then I get depressed again when I realise that I won't be playing it for another like 7 months. 7 months. Turtles get more video-game time than I do. Yeah Mr.Turtle probably has a higher headshot ratio than me. It is really depressing when that happens. So what do I do? I detach myself from the game and rant on my blog.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm too mature for my own good. Because you know, I know what I want to do with my life and that is seriously affecting my studying mindset. I want to venture into the videogame industry because that is what I am passionate about, probably as a designer or 3D artist if my art picks up or as a programmer cause I'm pretty good in Math. Maybe I should be a critic/reviewer/editor with a local gaming magazine because I like writing reviews about geeky stuff like videogames. I want to go to NTU or Digipen University in Singapore or if I have the chance , go overseas to further my studies. I just wrote a discursive essay on the factors of career choice and emphasized on the importance of interest in choosing a career. and this. This is what I love.

What I don't want to do is spend time writing a shitload of notes about the economic impacts of tourism. So when I do so, it is with dread. Which makes it all the more painful to understand.

I know that people my age don't really have a very distinct life goal or career in mind. They want to be "doctors" or "lawyers" or whatever job their parents brainwashed them into aiming for. And I am also not saying that "I'm better than you" or anything. Its just that since I know what I want, I'm prone to doing better in subjects related to my goal (maybe something like IT)*copies-and-pastes my paragraph on why passion makes you excel.* However, the downside is that I fail to see the importance of subjects that are not even a little related to my goal.

I wish that the education system could make reforms such that children can choose subjects based on their interests and talents. Maybe their rationale is that children are not mature enough to make important life decisions at such an age hence they have to offer all kinds of stuff from English to Geography. and it is a very good point. I mean, name me a few 16 year olds who know what industry they want to go into, what universities are suited for them or specifically jobs that match their skillsets and personalities. You'd probably end up with me and some other guy/chick named Tom or Jane. Which makes me return to my earlier point that I'm too mature for my own good. Just my two-cents worth, given that this is 'O' level year. I'm still going to do my best for the examinations y'know.

I once had a discussion with Shao Xuan about whether I should go to a polytechnic because they cater more to one's career options. Which is basically the point of all these rants. They offer specific courses like nursing courses. * Chuckles for a bit. People who are really passionate about (*insert desired career), would do much better than if they were to something general like "Science".

My parents' stand is that polytechnics are for people who need to get a job sooner than others due to their family conditions and what not. and that they work hard so that I need not be put into such situations and can get into a renowned university. Shao Xuan also said that "If you do well for 'O' levels, you can get into a good JC, which encourages you do excel in 'A' levels, hence it is easier for you to enter renowned universities like NUS and NTU which offer better courses to help you enter your desired industry. " Well these becaare all logical points, hence I would still decide to do well for 'O' levels and "get into a good JC". and by "good" I mean something like National JC which won't make my relatives ridicule me because nowadays everyone only cares about "branding" or what school are you in. *in a condescending voice*

I kind of admire those who do not have a clear goal for their lives. Because at this point of time they possess some sort of neutrality and a mindset along the likes of "I might as well do well in everything because I don't know what I'm going to end up as". The worse are those who don't know what they want to do with life and don't even work hard. You know who you are. I happen to fall under the category of "I know what I want to do, hence I do better in related subjects and hate that I have to learn other non-essential subjects".

In 4 years, I'll be going to a university. I tell myself that it will all be over soon and all I need to do is study hard to realise my dreams. But with the increasing amount of work that the school has to offer, I'm becoming more and more disillusioned.

Don't flame me or anything. Like I said, this is my opinion and that is what people post on thier blogs. Thier opinions. I happen to think that John Cena is an uninteresting wrestler who talks too much. Once again, my opinion.