"I loved you Anakin !" -Obi-wan Kenobi, Episode III

Ok I fought thru the pain and now I can't sleep again. Damn that caffeine!

Anyway, lets rant!

So Mr Kamal has popularised the use of the term "Jedi Master" to describe someone who is very proficient in a certain area. Of course, it's always cool to have the awesome Mr Kamal talk about podracers and Darth Maul *breaks to shout out fanboyish praises of Zabrak Sith Lords "HELL YEA DARTH MAUL RULEZ"* ... However ...

As a true blue Star Wars fan myself, I somehow feel rather uncomfortable with this new use of the term. I mean, you have people like Glenn saying stuff like "I'm a Jedi Master bla bla bla" or random people saying "May the force be with you" (albeit in a condescending manner). Am I happy that Star Wars is getting some decent attention around school? Sure, but perhaps it's a little too much attention that pisses off the ardent fanboy inside of me.

I mean, imagine being passionate about something, feeling genuinely unique, sharing that passion with some of your closest friends, and suddenly everyone's talking as if they've been known it for their whole life. Its probably this sense of loss of the uniqueness that defines me, coupled with the 'irresponsible' use of the Star Wars medium that results in a very distraught fanboy.

Haha, sure this trend is probably going to end in like 2 days, but its definitely worth mentioning. Finally, a scenario that fuses school life with Star Wars. I mean, what else am I going to rant about? Big Show being the only notable superstar on Smackdown? I'm stuck mugging for Social Studies whilst Halo fanboys all over the world are assasinating one another ( in the most AWESOME manner ) on the Halo:Reach multiplayer beta, of which I have access to but technically can't play?

Life's just magical huh ? ;)