Someone kick the damn guy

I just realised Justin Bieber has a song called "I need somebody to love". Between that and his sexually harassing behaviour on the "Baby" music video, you'd think more people would hate this guy!

Kick-Ass review coming up soon. Meanwhile, I need to filter all my free time into Dragon Age. After all homework and tuition today, I only have the 10.00pm to 11.00pm timeslot to engage my elven blood mage in some serious darkspawn killing ! Of course, then there's Cougar Town at 11.00pm. :)

I found this quote very helpful in the school handbook ( excuse me, but it happens to contain a wealth of very inspiring quotes by people I don't know ).

"It isn't about what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that determines your happiness. It's about what you think about".

So people, think positive! a.k.a Courtney Cox

Don't fret about stupid things in life that are not even worth your time. I know I won't.