I for one thought that this year was pretty eventful. A short review of 2009 if you will. I think the phrase " Work hard, play harder " aptly describes my 2009. I mean, its Sec 3 so you can't play catching or trade shiny cards everyday. You have afternoon lessons. You have countless hours of tuitions. Yes, for every subject. You start to genuinely worry whether or not you will pass your Mother Tongue. Your science teacher is a virulent walking bomb, ready to erupt once you are 0.01 seconds late for Practical.

And don't get me started on social life. All my friends are male and my relationship with any girl is as stagnant as can be. I'm starting to think that it is breeding mosquitoes.

On the other hand, I really thought that I embraced the dark side this year. and by dark side I mean all things geek.

I bought toys, posters, games. ODST, Batman, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect to name a few. I went for STGCC, 501st Legion exhibits and Xbox Gaming Letdown Showdown. *cough* suckfest *cough*. Every minute, I long for the day that I can set foot into E3 or ComicCon. thats how much passion I have for this lifestyle and I feel that I finally know what I want to do with my life. But enough with my generally-uninteresting female-repelling ambitions/
I practically killed off all my muscles by sitting on the couch all day paralyzing brutes as Batman. I used to do 500 pushups in Sec 1 and now a mere 50 is enough to drive my chest muscles into Ultimate Spasm Mode.

I won't post my resolutions cause I feel its really of little use if you post it on a blog. Like a trend where I spout random jibberish and look cool but won't even fulfill. Instead, I wrote them down on a note which I pasted on my writing desk and on top of my Xbox. That way I will be constantly reminded of my goals when I work and play. Just my thoughts on resolutions.
Bring it on O Level Year. Bring it on 2010. ;)
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