At the same time, an Asian adolescent by the name of Nicholas weeps quietly in the background. No, he is not a victim of the Haiti earthquake. He is a victim of another great tragedy. The inability to purchase what would go down as the best video game in his Xbox360 collection. He screams:" Damn the 'O' levels! Why 2010 ?! " Nicholas is left contemplating ... with a pile of Mathematical homework at his side ... while millions of gamers achieve orgasms watching the Normandy SR-2 take flight. A wave of anguish and misery overwhelms him. He writhes in bed, reminiscent of that girl in New Moon when her albino boyfriend leaves her. Ok, this is going out of hand. I hate this feeling. Period.
By the way, do show your support for the Haitian Earthquake because there are true tragedies out there other than a sickly 16-year-old kid begging to play a computer game. Peace.
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