Started school very ... very reluctantly. Waking up and travelling to a foreign place at 7am in the morning at the expense of Dragon Age? Not very enticing. Plus, the fact that I was in Secondary 4 started to sink in. And hey! you know what Secondary 4 students do? They take "O" levels!Anyway, school also conducted this "Start Right" course on the first day about Goal setting and Inspiration 101. I called it " Mind Champ Rip-Off No.23 " . The only productive thing from the course was this card.

(Edit: Sorry for the poor quality. My handphone is not exactly perfect. Its not beautiful. Its not exactly ... Canon )
In case you can't read the words, it says " Acts Cool and Friendly ". Wai Ken Some sexy girl thinks I'm cool and friendly haha.
On Wednesday, we had our first official NCC trng of 2010. Left the Part As playing "poisonball", and went to look at the PDS training, which happened to be ... particularly lousy. Our PDS head, being the typical stuck-up, threatened the performers to cancel the performance, slammed the NCC room door, failed , slammed it harder and left the performers feeling depressed.
Took the iniative to scold the PDS guys and made them feel really guilty of themselves for letting down the PDS head. Yeah and then it gets interesting. You know when you're at the edge of tears, you're choked up and finding it hard to contain it. Well. Ryan kicked them off the fucking edge haha. A record-setting 3 people cried.

Personally, I feel that it's always reasonable to give them a good scolding when they suck but it is also never nice to make someone cry. I mean, I could never make someone cry. Maybe I should have stopped him, but I think the fear of potentially insulting him got in the way. And one of our rules is that to not interfere when a fellow specialist is scolding. So maybe ... the Discipline Head was at fault too.
And then on Friday a ... conflicting thing happened. Lets just say Jerome told me something sad. Unfair. Extremely unfair to me, so to speak. I started thinking of a million and one reasons why HE (not jerome) didn't deserve it. I thought of even more reasons I deserved it. Sure I may not be the best at what I do but I learn from my mistakes and always try my best. and as the Sith Code would put it, " Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate " . He was outside enjoying himself, fooling around as always and making ridiculous jokes and I was sitting inside the room. Contemplating the ... unfairness of life.
Mr Kamal told us: " Life is unfair. Accept it "

I say, It sucks to be on the losing end.
This guy is someone I treasure as a friend. As much as I would like it, I don't want to go into a discussion about how lousy he is. That's why this is such a conflicting topic and I dread the fact that it is something that is going to happen.
I'm glad that's off my chest. And besides, I had a hell of a time partying last night at the Sec 1 campfire. Because nothing beats crooning and dancing to the likes of "Qing Tian" and "I gotta feeling" along with fellow friends in the NCC room.

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