Wazzup. Courtesy of Wazzup Ng, my new friend on Facebook. OK I'm talking rubbish. Feel like spouting random crap right now.
I've been attempting to level up into "O" level mode recently. and with much success at that! Basically, this involves losing old habits that can potentially hinder your ability to study, whilst developing new ones. For example, I restrict myself to relaxing only on Wednesday and Friday nights, because anyone deserves a break after an odd 3 hours of scolding a couple of brats.

Oh but when I relax. I relax GOOD. This involves taking an unbelievably refreshing bath, getting comfortable in bed and with a bag of chips in one hand and iced milo in the other, I watch and scream as sweaty men in tights decimate one another. One finisher at a time.

Of course. Every other day I can commonly be found sitting at my depressing table, finishing depressing homework with rather unfriendly stationery. Evil ... Evil stationery.
I am also facing a problem I have never faced before. Nowadays, I struggle to cross off everything on my school journal only to have like a gazillion more added. Bytheway, what is gazillion multiplied by 3 ? To the power of 9 ? Plus Avagadro's Constant ? Rough estimate of my weekend homework list.
Speaking of TV, you should all watch Glee, the musical comedy drama series on Fox. StarWorld in Asia. Its a well-deserving award-winning show because its made of PURE amazing-ness. I have to admit, I've always been more of a Fringe and CSI:Miami kind of guy. But this show. OH this show makes me jump up and sing along to their songs. Much to the delight of my neighbours.

PLUS, its pretty funny.

The chemistry between these guys is palpable, if not sizzling. True musical talents with entirely different vocal capabilities, but boy can they make it work.
Just listen to one of their hit songs. Don't stop believing - Glee Cast. Here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUZwdbeS2mM. Its worth the 4 minutes.
Well, its getting late. I have to watch Kane big-boot the faeces out of any upcoming young superstar before having an early night. Open House is tommorow at 7am. Don't forget to miss the NCC Precision Drill Squad performance, courtesy of our resident faggot and un-beloved PDS Head Jit How. Who has a fucking hole in his head. LOL !

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