Short post before I go on to Episodes V and VI marathon on DVD.
Open House performance today. Rather sick in the morning, really didn't feel like going to school on a friggin Saturday Morning ( which happens to be the ONLY morning I can sleep in ). So you can imagine my frustration. So I'm apologizing to anyone whom I have focused my dark side energy on ( I'm talking about you Khalid ) .

But the performance on the other hand ... that was pretty awesome. One of the highest jumbos I've seen and he actually managed to catch it. Perfect wave timing. Couple of slight mistakes here and there but nothing really major. Personally, I felt that the entire PDS performance eclipsed any other performance in the school. Nothing seemed more awesome than those shiny guns. OH ! except for the police car. That was the most awesome. *makes immature noises of sirens WEEEEOOOOAAAAHHHH.

God then I realised how much homework I had left. We went for lunch up till 3. Made Kuan Ting laugh uncontrollably at an unintended joke at 3.13pm. (Actually I was narrating that SpellCast advertisement on Okto) Reached home at 4. Took a nap and woke up at 7. Had tuition till 10pm. and I still inted to watch an odd 4 hours of Star Wars.

now take a look at my homework plan for today.
Complete Science Tuition Homework
Complete Geography paper 2.5 to 3.0
Chemistry Bond Making WS
and my tuition is like 10am the next morning. My Darth Maul BobbleHead is giving me that typical EPIC FAIL look. I told you my table accesories were made of plastic and PURE PURE EVIL.

Here's my new wallpaper. courtesy of Dragon Age. :D

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