I would like to share some comments that fellow anti-Twilight people wrote on the wall.
Vampires used to be great - Ash Redfern

97% of teenswould cry if they saw Robert Patterson (Edward Cullen from twilight)standing on top of a sky scraper, about to jump. If youre one of the 3%that would sit there eating popcorn screaming 'DO A FLIP!' then copy and paste this as youre status - Matthew Schultz

This has nothing to do with hating Twilight, but let's all do something for those poor victims at the Haiti Earthquake. :( I bet those pathetic Twitards are having orgasms over the pictures of Edward Cullen while the poor people of Haiti are suffering from the disastrous catastrophe. - Paul Shin

im so glad so many ppl hate twilight. back in my day vampire movies were badass, not full of queers and kites - Colby Lapresi
it is so great to find a group of people who all think that Twilight sucks.... -Nick Winch
Twitards' professionalism - Being unstably retarded. -Paul Shin

Words that I've learnt from joining the group. TwiTards . Meyerpires . and TwiHards.
Ok listen I'm not one to usually hate and bear grudges but if there is one thing that really ignites my inner explosive is making fun of Star Wars and my family at the same time. Enjoy.
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