Today is such a cold day . BRrr . Had guitar and organ . Its very cold so my fingers very damn numb when I playing guitar . Yep so this week Justin ponn School for like 3 days . He is so sick !
Monday had Chinese history test lah . the day b4 Kai Xian , Kuan Ting and ZhiXiang help me go through the Chinese history . So ty very MUCH !!!
Tuesday was supposed to do Drama test . Bt Justin too sick never come school lor . SO we did not do our performance . The rest of the grps were great ! Except I found Xian Long damn gay lah during the performance .
Wednesday had P.E . and Eng test . The test was pretty easy . P.E I only can rmb playing caption ball . Then all the girl trying to get Dean . So he throw the ball very far and shout my name . Guess what . I didn't catch the ball . God , so humiliating . Yep bt I accept that lah .
After school had my first PDS training . Its pt is damn shuang bt the drills are damn tiring .
Pt I able to do pushups and pullups . Then had games . I and Jerome team with Jasper and Xiu Ming cus they very slow in pumping and stuff . So fast ,fast , slow ,slow = Average lor. The drills very tiring and exhausting lah . Need to stand for very long in the same position . Bt its also damn cool to do . Overall It was a gd training .
Thursday had home econs with Casmelin . Didn't eat recess cus I need to do up the H.E doll project . We cooked fried noodles that day . THey say the prawns very disgusting . I squashed the garlic :) . Then I washed my hands. Then I accidentally cut the carrot into half :( . so we can't make the stars . Sry ... Then we fried the noodles , added chilli ... and 2 extra teaspoons of oil . rofl . Then we only had 8/10 . then minus half marks cus I wipe the stuff until 99 % dry .
Soorryy , once again . Bt it was damn fun . So , it was worth it . In my opinion . The Noodles were hell of a delicious . Taste like Hokkien Mee . I lurved it .
Friday , Justin finally came back . Eng talking about tatoos and stuff . Could see that some people were damn disturbed . Wing Sang the facial expression was like . OMG ?! . then change to ' why ?! ' . And then Swati cried :p CE , slack period everyone surfing the web and spamming stuff .
After school , the sec 2 s took us for Drills . I teamed with KT , Xiu Ming and Zhi Xiang . Our drills were quite gd , and the sec 2s were like very understanding and explain very nicely lah . THEY ROCK !!! Melvic , our CSM , also thought that it was quite good . Then our platoon seargent , pumped us 50 pushup cus the rest were very sucky lah . I could do it properly ! Standard pushups . Edwin fall out very quickly , like 15 plus pushup then report sick . Jun Jie and I were screaming "21 seargent , 22 seargent " lols .After that we stayed back cus the other sergents wanted to see how good we were . the drills like suddenly very pro leh . Then everyone clap . Then rushed home to watch ShouZu last episode . Watch out for Shou Zu 2 in December hor ! Adios ...
My results ~
Geography : 24 /25
History : 29 / 25
Science : 24 / 30
Maths : 15 /40 , 24 /40
Eng : 45 / 60 ( writing )
Chinese : 25 /50 , 11 / 40 ( Fail ?!! )
Rest I dunno yet .