Coffee, tea or me?

I'm finding the Lord of the Rings books, a little ... unbelievably awesome. I mean, like right now, Frodo like just got The Ring from his uncle Bilbo Baggins and its starting to corrupt him and stuff. He doesn't do his homework !

Don't we all wish we were like Hobbits? Life in the Shire is so simple and relaxed, its ideal. I mean, they like harvest carrots and battle gargantuan dragons for fun. They don't do Chemistry papers and have "surprise" tests and afternoon lessons just because iFins says so. Hobbits meet friendly feathered creatures and nomadic wizards. We have Meet-The-Parents sessions.

Moving on from the uncanny parallels between friendly woodland people and messaging systems from Hell.

So I completed like 3 out of 4 Physics papers in one day. Dude, that must be a world record in the The Guinness Book of the World's Most Useless Records! I should be right behind The World's Hairiest Feet and The Greatest Number of Grammatical Mistakes in a Single Blog Post .

Yeah, and then I rewarded myself by watching Toy Story 2 with my cousins, who also happen to be 6-year-old girls . Somehow or rather, I was laughing more at the cartoon than them. Of course, I was laughing in a cool ... manly fashion.

I should really sleep now. Caffeine makes me drowsy.

Joke to be utilised by Jerome on his blog, and then to be made fun of by humans of the female variety, which truthfully really hurts my manly feelings, all one of them

Two penguins were hanging out at the bar

All of a sudden, one of them says, "Where's the alarm clock?"