This here is Heather Morris, also known as the ditzy Brittany from Glee, a musical-comedy series that I love watching. All along, I've been chuckling non-stop at her brilliant one-liners and I thought I would post about my favourite character from the show.
Plus, she's really beautiful. Possibly The hottest girl on the show, personally. I mean, traditionally, people might think Quinn and Santana would be hotter, but you know what they say: "Beauty is in the eye of the adolescent boy jacked up on testosterone." Not only is she hot, she's amazingly funny and she sings and dances well so all that makes her the most beautiful in my eyes. Suck it, Quinn-lurvers ;D
And I think I really like blondes. Kristen Bell. Tricia Helfer. Sienna Miller. Heather Morris.
As a tribute to the gal who may be the funniest actress on primetime TV, here are some of her most brilliant and my all time favourite one-liners ...
"Dolphins are just gay sharks"
"I think my cat is reading my diary"
"A ballad is a male duck"
* When interrogated about printing a list* "I don't know how to turn on a computer"
Search " Heather Morris Hot "
Don't ask me why I'm posting about random blonde women. I just printed an entire compilation of chemistry notes detailing every possible thing from the textbook and notes from school. What have you done today?
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