Funny anecdote about Greek gods

So instead on finishing my Chemistry structured questions, I began reading about Greek mythology on Wikipedia since, like 9a.m.

Thought that this was pretty funny.

So, Hephaestus, the Greek god of technology and metallurgy, son of Zeus and Hera, wanted to mate with Athena, the goddess of war, strategy and wisdom. However, the picky shrew resented Hephaestus because he was lame, not in the sense that he was not proficient with the jokes, but that he had trouble walking. This made Hephaestus grow mad and forceful, and just when the dude was about to ejaculate, Athena disappeared from the bed. Hephaestus' bodily fluids landed on Gaia, the primordial being representing Earth, and henceforth Athens was born. :)

I gotta tell you, from my readings, the Titans and the Olympic Gods were an unnaturally horny and fertile bunch. Almost every sexual encounter resulted in the birth of some new dude with a funny name. That's way, 3 hours later, my browser is still stuck with tabs of all these Greek beings, because I have this uncontrollable urge to know more about these people with silly names. God, Greek mythology is complicated.