Welcome to your daily scoop of Nic's ridiculous holiday life.
So I'm finally settling into the sleeping hours that normal people engage in. Well it isn't really perfect its kinda like sleeping at 9pm and waking up at 4a.m. I guess being a teenage vampire just wasn't my thing. Oh my god, did I just make a comparison between me and *gulp, You-Know-What ?
*Human beings of the male variety gasp in disbelief

I thought that today was pretty interesting. I woke up at like 5 in the morning. Had my daily dose of Kokocrunch ( you know, for that great chocolaty taste? ), and then I watched Glee for an hour. Which does not make me homosexual in any way.
Yeah, and I started feeling just a little tired, so ... I had some coffee. and I'll tell you, caffeine makes you do crazy stuff. I'm talking crazy as in Eclipse coming out crazy. So I started getting increasingly hyped ...
All of a sudden, "I just wanna live" by Good Charlotte started playing on the computer and"BOOMZ", it was like an explosion of testosterone. So you have this topless 16-year-old boy singing " fake ass girls all know your name now " at 10.a.m in the morning.
That, my very amazed friend, is an average Friday of the June Holidays.
Joke of the Day
Peanuts are like bicycles.
They don't bathe.
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