Deadpool has always been one of my favourites, alongside Daredevil and Bats of course. I mean, he breaks the fourth wall (one of my favourite forms of humour I might add) and brings comical joy to any graphic novel he's in.
Plus, he has pretty awesome powers. Many think that Deadpool does rather poorly in the skills department. They also do not know that he has a healing factor that surpasses Wolverine. That's right. He's imbued with a new and improved healing power based on Wolverine's natural one. He heals faster than Wolverine. He teleports. And he uses katanas and sub-machine guns as weapons.
If my all-time favourite Batman and Deadpool were to engage in an ultimate fight, I would say that Bats would definitely win (He has the Batmobile! and ROBIN! ) but Deadpool would probably make the iconic Batman chuckle before Bruce Wayne lands the final blow. Boomz!
That's how awesome Deadpool is.

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