Two is not better than one

You know, Twilight just doesn't know when to stop y'know?

According to Life, (yes apparently I read newspapers at 6 in the morning and blog about it), the producers behind the hit movie franchise about undead who have roast rabbit and deer for lunch, feels that it is appropriate to split the final film, called Bella catches an undead STI.... Breaking Dawn, into two films. Not one, but two films. Thats two times the bullshit.

Yeah, apparently the complexities and intricacies of Stephanie Meyer's 900-page book cannot be simply captured in a single movie. First of all, quantity does not equate to quality. I've read short stories by Agatha Christie that are a million times more profound than the franchise. Secondly, "complexities" ? Are you serious? The "complexities" of removing sweaty T-shirts I suppose? The "intricacies" of how the human body twinkles in sunlight? I've read Archie comics that are more complex.

I've read the books. I know about Breaking Dawn. (Haha, kiss it you teenage-vampire lovers who think you can use the "Don't insult Edward because you didn't even read the book" counter-argument on me). I know its all about how Bella has sexual intercourse, which is a felony in some countries, and conceives an undead child on Edward's first try. *Dude, that must really suck LOL.

So Part 1: Sex, and Part 2:C-section. Is that it?

In conclusion, this screams " Lets milk these 10-year-old girls for twice their allowance money!" Sigh, the franchise never fails to give me excuses to make petty and rather insulting remarks about it on my blog y'know.